Maybe if I had 8,000 I would think about buying the Nikon D3X but for now I am just dreaming. Check out this video review of Nikon's D3X. It has an impressive 24 megapixel but only 3 frames per second, so this camera is definitely a studio camera.
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nicole and her husband Josh, Josh Kelley and I went to Atlantic Station today for the Howl-O-Ween Festival. It was a ton of fun! They had a doggie costume comtes, and lots of things for the kids. Nicole entered her two dogs Bella and Marley in the costume contest, it was pretty funny and cute! I uploaded more photos from this event to my Flickr. Check them out here.

I know a lot of people are thinking of upgrading to a faster lens right now so I wanted to share KEH, which sells new, and used camera bodies, lenses and other equipment. They sell a wide variety of brands including Nikon, Canon, Leica, Mamiya, Hasselblad , and many more. They use a good equipment rating system to help identify the condition of the equiptment. They are also based here in Atlanta, Ga so the shipping is quick for all of us who live near by. Check out KEH here to see what deals you can find.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Epson Ultra Premium Luster
I've ordered another case of paper! The best deal I have found on Epson's Ultra Premium Luster is at B&H for 124.95. (the price drops from $155 when you add it to your cart). If any one has found any better deals let me know!
Nikon SB-900
Check out Nikon's SB900 flash unit. I am really glad that I chose to get this one a few months ago. Check out a review of the flash here.I would definitely recommend this flash I have been pretty happy with it so far.On of my favorite features is that it be can synced wirelessly to my camera.
Plane Crashes into House in Lawerencville, Ga.

I heard about a plane that had crashed into a home in Lawrencville, Ga and I grabbed my camera, a trash bag to cover it from the rain and a GPS device and headed that way. When I arrived I was allowed to enter the media area that was pretty far from the home. The house or any of the action was no where in site. I stood at the line with two reporters from CBS news for about 15 minutes when Captain Tommy Rutledge from the Gwinnett Fire Dept. asked me who I was shooting for, I told him I was just a photojournalism student, then Capt. Rutledge invited me to follow him and CBS Atlanta reporter Michelle Nash and her Camera man to a closer spot.

Night portraits using a flash
I found this article that talks about how to use your flash at night to take a portrait. I thought it was pretty helpful since I am shooting my photojournalism: fill flash assignment this weekend. Check out the article here. THe best advice is to play around also and use a slow shutter speed to allow ambient light since the flash will freeze the subject.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gay Pride Atlanta
This weekend is Gay Pride Festival in Atlanta! I look forward to covering this event. I will be at the parade on Sunday to practice my for my fill flash assignment for photojournalism. This is a shot from the parade last year that was in Elevator magazine. I would encourage everyone to bring a camera, an open mind and head down to Piedmont Park to check out all the craziness. It is a truly unique event that can be a lot of fun! P.S. Leave the kids at home.
I found an internship that I am really interested in with Time Warner here in Atlanta! The application deadline is quickly approaching and I need to put together a portfolio and a resume for it which is going to take some time but I really think it will be worth it! I am still looking for other options as well in case this one does not work out.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
One of my personal favorites
Here is an image that I took a while back, that I wanted to share. I don't know why I like it so much. Maybe it is the way I went about shooting that day. I got in my car and just drove got really lost and stopped and took photos along the way. Not that I know what a "free day" is anymore, but this is my favorite way to spend one.I saw this field of dried up sunflowers and thought there was something there for me to capture. This is what I got.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Adobe Lightroom 3 Beta
I am a huge fan of Adobe Lightroom, therefor I am very excited that they released the new preview of Lightroom 3 with awesome updated features. I will be downloading the beta from Adobe very soon.I found an article that reviews and discusses the new features. This article talks much more in depth about the changes than the article that Adobe released. I am really excited about this and look forward to trying it out. Check out the review here.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
GTC Portfolio Show

This is the last week that the GTC Portfolio Show will be at Art Station. The last day of the show is October 31st. The collection will then move to be on display at Gwinnett Technical College.
Robert Jones Photography
While I was at Chiaha Yesterday, I met Gwinnett Tech Photo graduate, Robert Jones. It is always nice to talk to a graduate of the program. His work is beautiful! Check out his website here!
Feature shot
Yesterday I went to the Chiaha Festival in Rome, Georgia to shoot my feature. I had a great time there and I think I got some decent shots. (but who knows what Ms. Finch will think! lol.)I found it easier to shoot after hearing her talk about what to look for and how to go about capturing it. Here is my favorite "feature-like shot" from yesterday.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Chiaha Festival
Today I will be out at the Chiaha Fall Festival in Rome to shoot for my feature assignment. I'm hoping for good weather and some people doing funny stuff. It is going on today and tomorrow check it out!
Friday, October 23, 2009
More Child Portrait Photos

I am working my way through editing my Child Portraits. I posted more on my Flickr.Here is one I liked. I found the bubbles a great way to keep Aidan engaged throughout the photoshoot.
Umbrella Vs. Softbox
I found a video on YouTube that explains the pros and cons of soft-boxes vs umbrellas in the studio. I found it helpful because I often have questions on which to use when, so I thought I would share it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Free Online Portfolio
I found out about a site from Josh Kelley that will let you create a free online portfolio through Deviant Art. It is a great tool to use to show work to potential clients and possible job opportunities.
Markus Klinko and Indrini
I came across this article on the Professional Photographer UK about a shoot with famed photographers Markus Klinko and Indrini. This team of photographers are my favorite current fashion/celebrity photographers. They are based out of New York City. Working with these two is my dream internship! Check out their breathtaking portfolio of images here.
Imaging USA 2010
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Stat Counter

I found a great way to track my visitors on my blog. I've been using it for about a month now. It is pretty accurate and allows me to exclude my views by blocking my IP address from the total. Check out Stat Counter here!
Welcome Back Polariod!!!

I just found out Polaroid film is coming back!!! This makes my day! Check out this article in: The Boston Globe. Hopefully it will be back on the market in time for Spring Quarter's Architectural Photography class! Polaroid we have missed you!
Classmate Spotlight
So I have decided as I looked though my classmates blogs and websites that I should Spotlight one every week. This week is my classmate Jairo. He has a awesome portfolio on his website.Jairo worked with Nicole and Kala and myself in Portraiture, he was a great help to the team. This is a photo of Jairo that I took in Third Quarter's Portraiture class. Check out Jairo's Website here and his blog here.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
IT's official!! I am a Flickr member! Check out my Flick account! My first set is my 10 favorite images for now! Here is one of my 10 favorite.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Da Vinci at The High

Today I went to the High Museum of Art here in Atlanta to see the Da Vinci exhibit! It was fascinating! I think everyone should go see this while it is there! There were quite a few of his sketches and sculptures there! This one was my favorite sketches. Take advantage of the $5 tickets to college students every day for all of October!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
rain rain
I find it hard to get inspired to shoot in all this rain. After last weeks rain photojournalism assignment I know it is challenging to shoot in the rain. I was looking for some inspiration, and thought there must be some cool photos to take in the rain so, I google image searched the phrase: Rain Photography and found some pretty neat stuff. This is a photo I found that I thought was pretty cool. It is by someone by the name of: Barkerneisa on Deviant Art.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Nikon News
So I am excited about the news Nikon is coming out with! I hear it has 14fps and has an insane ISO of 120000 and probably the ever-so-loved new HD video feature. The D3S will be an upgrade to the wonderful D3X. I am hoping they have something else to unveil tonight too, since this is so expected!
Child Portrait
Today I shot my Child Portrait! It went great, I was prepared for the worst and this little guy was perfect. We put him in his spot and he had a great time. I had great help from my classmate Nichole she was great with Aidan keeping him happy through out the shoot!
Monday, October 12, 2009
As you can see this past weekend I did a lot of shooting! I have shot a few different kinds of sports for my photojournalism: sports assignment and I must say soccer was my favorite to shoot! I went to a local YMCA and shot a kids soccer game. These kids were fierce and played through the rain! I had a great time watching them play!
Child Portraits
Tomorrow I am shooting my Child Portrait for Advanced Portraiture. Ideally I would take a child portrait in their own environment or outdoors, but for this assignment it will be done in the studio. I'm excited and nervous to work with a child in the studio! I am taking photos of an 18 month old little boy that is just precious.wish me luck! :)
Equality March
So... I would have loved to be at the Equality March in Washington Dc this past weekend. It would have been great to shoot and I believe in equality for all beings. There are some very moving photos/articles/videos from this event one of them being Lady Gaga's preformance of Imagine by John Lennon The photos above came from an article in The Huffington Post.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Coosa Valley Fair
I love fall so much because of all the fairs and festivals! Last night I went to the Coosa Valley Fair in Rome, Georgia. It was definitely nice to be shooting with my own camera again! Here are a few shots I got while I was there.

Friday, October 9, 2009
Chinese Photography Exhibit
So I found out about this cool Chinese Photography exhibit at Georgia Perimeter College. The event is part of ACP (Atlanta Celebrates Photography) It opens Friday, October 16th from 5-7pm. There will be five documentary Chinese photographers at the event to meet. I studied a lot about art in China in an art history class, and found it awesome! I look forward to going to this event!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I got my camera back!
So i am very excited that I finally got my camera back from the repair shop today! My Nikon d80 was at Peachtree Camera Repair for 4 weeks! I would recommend this repair shop to other photographers, they were very nice and did a great job! It feels great to have a camera again and I am excited to start shooting!Never drop your camera on concrete. ever.
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